I have a question to ask. This is for the bots with AGODed weapons.Is it possible for an AI'ed bot to move its weapons during the intro or the countdown? Because I usually press the pause button before the match starts, and spin the weapons so that the bots return to its natural position without flopping around.
We're going to make all of the AI.py available as an appendage to the Tutorial....
list.append(("Haymaker","PillarPlus",{'nose':math.pi,'invertible':True,'range2':12,'radius':2,'topspeed':100,'throttle':130,'turn':20,'turnspeed':2,'weapons':(11,12)})) list.append(("Iron Spaghetti","PillarPlus",{'nose':math.pi*2,'range':99,'range2':6,'radius':1,'topspeed':100,'throttle':130,'turn':2,'turnspeed':0.1,'weapons':(21,25,26,27,33,34,35,36)}))
You got my vote for RA2 Wizard. Always and forever.